Ready, Steady...Tow!

Visit our blog as we travel here, there any everywhere in our shiny home with wheels. Without a set schedule, with no reliable income, no expectations, and without proper medical insurance we are bound to run into failure, fun, trouble, opportunity and many new (senior citizen) friends. Co-piloting this adventure are our side kicks; Lois The Pie Queen, the saucy siamese vixen, and John Bunnay Ramsey, AKA, Senior Biscuit.

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Location: Nashville, TN

We are a happy couple of three years that met while traveling in Germany. We relocated from Los Angeles to New York City, and recently purchased a vintage 72' Airstream Tradewind, 25' trailer to live out of while we explore all points connected by land. We hope to achieve minimal cost of living and in exchange have extra free time to spend together and work on our our creative projects. The end result.. 1. We will have lived in many parts of the world we wouldn't normally have visited, 2. We will have opened our doors for various experiences that normally wouldn't cross our paths, stories to tell 3. We will have developed our own companies which we plan to continue after we decide to leave full time trailer life. We hope to do good things with our extra time too.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nashville Music City Hostel

We left our place in Ashland City. It was a sad departure. Thankfully we still keep in good touch with Lisa and Stephen regularly. We really miss the dogs! Dewy, and Bonnie and Sue Baby, and JoJo. Our new arrangement is working 10 or so hours a week renovating a 1968 Airstream Tradewind. It's parked in the backyard of the Nashville Music City Hostel. So we are parked right up against it, and we spend our days researching and doing labor on their Airstream. To be honest Bill does all the manual labor. I won't take his fire away. We also work part time hours in the office checking people in a few nights a week. Our experiences here at the hostel have been overall positive. There is a heap of drama, which neither of us like to be involved with, and you get lots of clashing personalities, but on occasion that special traveler comes through and inspires us, and gives us their contact information which grows our world wide network of friends. Our Location you can't beat. We are in the Midtown section of town. Walking distance to several decent neighborhoods, Vanderbilt University, the only place to get food after 9:00 pm. Cafe CoCos, and a few other coffee shops that i have found I enjoy. We are about a 30 minute walk from the sites in downtown, which is where we find ourselves often showing the tourists where the good honky tonk bars are.


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