Ready, Steady...Tow!

Visit our blog as we travel here, there any everywhere in our shiny home with wheels. Without a set schedule, with no reliable income, no expectations, and without proper medical insurance we are bound to run into failure, fun, trouble, opportunity and many new (senior citizen) friends. Co-piloting this adventure are our side kicks; Lois The Pie Queen, the saucy siamese vixen, and John Bunnay Ramsey, AKA, Senior Biscuit.

My Photo
Location: Nashville, TN

We are a happy couple of three years that met while traveling in Germany. We relocated from Los Angeles to New York City, and recently purchased a vintage 72' Airstream Tradewind, 25' trailer to live out of while we explore all points connected by land. We hope to achieve minimal cost of living and in exchange have extra free time to spend together and work on our our creative projects. The end result.. 1. We will have lived in many parts of the world we wouldn't normally have visited, 2. We will have opened our doors for various experiences that normally wouldn't cross our paths, stories to tell 3. We will have developed our own companies which we plan to continue after we decide to leave full time trailer life. We hope to do good things with our extra time too.

Monday, December 25, 2006

New Hampshire is in our past. Nashville is our future.

All in all New Hampshire was the worst place I've ever lived. 1. People drive like total jackasses 2. Everybody is out to prove you wrong on absolutely everything 3. It's overall it's a pretty negative place, oh.. and 4. They add r's behind a's for no reason, example - "I sawr Lind'r yesterday with grandmer and grandper." We were anxious to leave, but we are also very grateful for the situation we had in Merrimack. We had a place to live, rent free. A place to park the Airstream while we worked on it. We had family around who were nice to spend time with and Lois and John were pretty happy there too. Of course with the bad a few good things must come. While we were there we took on a primarily macrobiotic diet and I lost 6 inches, and we both feel great. I found myself cooking around 3 hours a day, and I discovered that I really like cooking and I'm not half bad at it. We started getting our produce locally from Farmer Rodger Noonan. We became seasonal shareholders to his farm. If you visit you can find out who you can get fresh organic seasonal produce from. The best part is that a lot of the farms deliver right to you.

While I spent most of my spare time cooking, Bill took up a new past time as an assistant soccer coach for The Tigers. Bill just didn't seek out some little kid soccer team like a creep, but it was his little cousin Chris' team. We all had our fingers crossed that B'brad would score a goal by the end of the season and with all of Bill's encouraging words and tugs B'brad scored at the last game of the season.

Chris and Conner are Bill's two little cousins who we spent a lot of time with while living in NH. Bill's mom takes care of them after school so we seem them almost every day. Chris is 7 and Conner is 5. Chris eats one kind of chicken nuggets (strips) and Conner eats another kind (Tyson Nugs), Chris will eat a few other things, but Conner won't even try pizza. He literally only eats Chicken nuggets. Anyways here are a few photos of the boys. I personally grew attached to them, and Bill was really happy to spend some time with them during their more formative years.


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