Ready, Steady...Tow!

Visit our blog as we travel here, there any everywhere in our shiny home with wheels. Without a set schedule, with no reliable income, no expectations, and without proper medical insurance we are bound to run into failure, fun, trouble, opportunity and many new (senior citizen) friends. Co-piloting this adventure are our side kicks; Lois The Pie Queen, the saucy siamese vixen, and John Bunnay Ramsey, AKA, Senior Biscuit.

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Location: Nashville, TN

We are a happy couple of three years that met while traveling in Germany. We relocated from Los Angeles to New York City, and recently purchased a vintage 72' Airstream Tradewind, 25' trailer to live out of while we explore all points connected by land. We hope to achieve minimal cost of living and in exchange have extra free time to spend together and work on our our creative projects. The end result.. 1. We will have lived in many parts of the world we wouldn't normally have visited, 2. We will have opened our doors for various experiences that normally wouldn't cross our paths, stories to tell 3. We will have developed our own companies which we plan to continue after we decide to leave full time trailer life. We hope to do good things with our extra time too.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Yay! I got a job downtown as a Bartender!

I was so excited to find out that my food service resume landed me a server/bartender job right off Broadway in Downtown. It's been years since I waited tables, but my eagerness to serve plates of food must of meant something to the owners. My first shift I made $140 in tips. Not bad. My second shift, $13, and every other shift after that for two weeks varied between $12 and $16. After two weeks I couldn't afford to come back. It was too bad because I was excited to have possibly wait on country megastars that I could care less about. They even had a good jukebox to boot. The place was somewhat reminiscent of my days working at Jitter's Cafe in Minneapolis, so that alone was worth my time there. After talking to a few people in town, it turned out that Past Perfect can't seem to hol don to their employees. Other than the few suckers that have been there since day one. It's a pretty miserable place.

If you are new to Nashville and you came across my blog by googling 'Past Perfect Nashville' consider this a sign, that you shouldn't waste your time.


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