Ready, Steady...Tow!

Visit our blog as we travel here, there any everywhere in our shiny home with wheels. Without a set schedule, with no reliable income, no expectations, and without proper medical insurance we are bound to run into failure, fun, trouble, opportunity and many new (senior citizen) friends. Co-piloting this adventure are our side kicks; Lois The Pie Queen, the saucy siamese vixen, and John Bunnay Ramsey, AKA, Senior Biscuit.

My Photo
Location: Nashville, TN

We are a happy couple of three years that met while traveling in Germany. We relocated from Los Angeles to New York City, and recently purchased a vintage 72' Airstream Tradewind, 25' trailer to live out of while we explore all points connected by land. We hope to achieve minimal cost of living and in exchange have extra free time to spend together and work on our our creative projects. The end result.. 1. We will have lived in many parts of the world we wouldn't normally have visited, 2. We will have opened our doors for various experiences that normally wouldn't cross our paths, stories to tell 3. We will have developed our own companies which we plan to continue after we decide to leave full time trailer life. We hope to do good things with our extra time too.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IKEA, Swans and Wigeon Face Attacks

Had the IKEA in Reykjavik been anything different than what any of you have seen already, I would of taken some photos. It happened to be a lot like any of the American locations. Some exceptions include cans of beer you could purchase at the hot dog stand downstairs near the exit, the metric system on the throwaway rulers and more plenty more espresso accessories. The highlight of my day however was on the way home from IKEA and hearing the Icelandic version of "Birthday" from the Sugarcubes on the radio, on the actual day of my birth nonetheless. Little things rock my socks off, and this was one of them.

Earlier today Bill and I spent some time at the Tjornin Lake. Locals refer to it as "the pond". This is one of the most amazing places in Reykjavik. Feeding the birds is one of the only things to do there other than waste some time at the City Hall building. There you can see the largest topographic map of Iceland, get a free wifi hook up, have some coffee and sit in a window with a beautiful view of the pond and watch all the other people feeding the birds freeze their asses off. Today we decided to freeze our asses off for a bit and feed these dinosaurs. Here are some photos and video of the area/birds. I felt a bit like an arctic snow white.

Here is Bill dodging a flying attack from a wigeon. Yep, apparently they don't have pigeons here.

If you look closely you can see a wigeon that tried attaching itself to Bill's face. They really liked Bill.

This guy here was my favorite geese of the day. He was the only patient son of a gun on the whole pond!

Look at the neck on this turkey.

This one melts my heart. Look how he tilts his little head like Lois..

Me and more swans.

I like this photo. You can see City Hall in the background. It's architecturally an amazing building.

This is me being honest.

Here I am with the large topographic map of Iceland.

Here is Bill on the other side of the topographic map pointing out an extremely remote populated area of the island.

This is a view of the pond at around 4:45 pm. It's just so beautiful.


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